Thursday 15 July 2010

Guess that's why they call it "window pane"

'Never give up. Never let anyone hold you back and never stop being yourself. What may seem like a series of unfortunate events, may just be the first steps of a journey. We are all put on this wonderful planet for a reason, and although you may feel that no one would even notice if you were gone, but believe me there is always one person in the world that will miss you. You just may have not met them yet. We are not perfect, and we all have our fair share of regrets. But dwelling on them solves nothing. This does not mean that we no longer feel bad about what we have done, it just means that we look at those problems and make sure they are not to happen again. You may hate the way you look, the way you speak, or the way you act. You may want to lose weight and will not stop at anything until you're at that 'goal' weight of yours. But listen to me. You are all beautiful, in every sense of the word. The world is a big place, and you may not feel as if you fit in here, but believe me somewhere in the world you will. It may come to you, or you may have to find it. But keep looking my darlings, and keep holding out for that time when you are free. Because that is the best feeling.

Keep breathing. Keep living. And keep hoping. You only get one chance at this. It is never too late.'

This person doesn't know who I am and never will but their blogpost inspired me. They have basically described all the things I have been feeling recently and it made me realise that I am not alone. We all feel like this sometimes.

Much love to you Bea. thank you .

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