Friday 23 October 2009


Yes i am pissed off because I already give up enough of my time for you. I don't care 'how many miles' it would save you, I don't see why I should not do something just because you don't want to have to drive. If you don't want to come get me then I don't see why I should go. There is no way you are getting me in a car with that son of a bitch that you call a brother-in-law. I'll get the train up if you really want. You must know how much I hate going up there. It's not that I hate you I just hate being at your house surrounded by people who look down on my like I am the dirt on their shoes. Next time you ask me I am going to say NO its not ok for you to make me give up my time to come see you just as it wasn't ok for you to move away but I still didn't speak up when you asked me if i minded. Of course I minded, who wouldn't? At some point I am going to stop coming to visit you at all and even though you may say its because I don't like you it is actually because I really don't fancy spending every other fucking weekend in the car for 5 hours just to watch TV when I could be doing something better. I know SHE rings everyday and doesn't ever miss going to see him but I AM NOT HER. and I never will be. yes, I love you but you have to let me grow up and not make me feel so bad all the time.

There, Now i feel better.

1 comment:

  1. Rachel I love you and I miss you and reading this made me feel so sad and just remember how lovely you areeeeeeeeee :) xxx
